“Our Land is Alive. Hermannsberg Potters for Kids” at NGV Australia Ian Potter Centre

Reviews don’t usually open with congratulations. Congratulations are entirely in order though for the just launched “Our Land is Alive. Hermannsberg Potters for Kids” exhibition. Congratulations to the National Gallery of Victoria and the Hermannsberg Potters for an exhibition that so successfully combines two Australian icons – Aboriginal culture and AFL football. “Our Land is…

Snow play at Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort

One of the perks of living in Victoria is the opportunity to explore the snowfields. This was our second snow trip in as many weeks (last week we visited Lake Mountain) and we headed toward Gippsland and majestic Mount Baw Baw. Our mission was simple – tobogganing, snowball fights and snow angels were on the…

A parent’s take on the Adam Goodes saga

When I was six my dad, a devoted Geelong supporter took me to a football match. For the duration of play a grizzly old guy in front of us shouted obscenities at the players. When my dad asked him politely if he would mind moderating his language around his young kids he was told to…